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For Contractors and Architects

SAs a contractor, a noise barrier may not always be the most exciting part of a large railway project. However, noise barriers play a crucial role in infrastructure expansion by reducing the environmental impact for those living near railway lines. With Soundblock, the total cost for installation and assembly can be as little as one-third compared to traditional high barriers. For landscape architects, the minimal impact of low barriers on the living environment is often particularly appealing.

Our low trackside noise barriers are placed on the railway embankment and require no foundation. They also contain no conductive materials, making Soundblock (S-bloc) extremely easy to calculate. Contact us for pricing and provide us with site details (such as images, maps of the surroundings, and embankment drawings), and we will supply all the necessary data to help you quickly generate a cost estimate.

We have accumulated extensive experience in the preparation and installation of our barriers. We are happy to share this knowledge to ensure that your project is as cost-effective as possible while achieving optimal results. For more information, visit the section titled “Railway Industry Professionals.”

When it comes to procurements for noise barriers, we are actively looking for partners to collaborate with in the bidding process.

Simple Foundation and Installation


1. Excavate 20 centimeters from the railway embankment.
2. Lay out geotextile fabric (optionally add cellular plastic).
3. Fill with crushed material.


5. Install sealing strip and lift Soundblock into place.


4. Create a level, compacted surface.


6. Check the distance from the track.
7. Finished.

Noise Barrier Installation & Setup

Soundblock is made of fiber-reinforced concrete with an integrated absorptive layer consisting of Vitrumit (a composite of glass and flint).