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For Railway Industry Professionals

Our noise barrier provides an effective solution to reduce noise levels for residents living near railway lines—without disrupting the living environment. This is possible because our low noise barrier is positioned very close to the train. This strategic placement results in a noise reduction of 5–11 dB (depending on train type), despite the barrier having a height of just 73 centimeters above the rail surface.

Cost Efficiency Over Time The cost of a low noise barrier like Soundblock can be up to three times lower than traditional high barriers—not only in terms of purchase, installation, and construction but also in long-term maintenance over a 50-year period.

For railway maintenance providers, a low-maintenance solution is key. While placing a low barrier on the railway embankment on both sides of the track may incur additional maintenance costs—such as extra routines, snow removal, and sleeper replacements—these costs are still significantly lower compared to maintaining high noise barriers. Over a 50-year period, the total cost of Soundblock remains several times lower, as the barrier itself is virtually maintenance-free.

To help project planners assess the total cost of Soundblock for a specific project, we have compiled relevant experience and insights further down the page under the “Project Planning” section.

Safety Considerations For track evacuation, emergency exit doors are available. Additionally, the top of the Soundblock barrier serves as a stable platform for efficient train evacuation. Specific operational procedures are also often established for railway sections with low barriers on both sides of the track to ensure safe and effective emergency handling.


The Soundblock noise barrier utilizes the “free space” on the railway embankment, effectively combating noise at the source. The core structure, made of fiber-reinforced concrete, efficiently blocks sound waves. The absorptive layer not only enhances channel and cavity attenuation but also eliminates reflection issues. The barrier provides a noise reduction of up to 11 dB.

• Channel Attenuation
Due to the narrow gap between the train and the Soundblock barrier, a slot-shaped channel is formed where sound waves are repeatedly reflected off the train’s side and absorbed by the noise-absorbing material within the Soundblock barrier.

For high barriers placed further from the track (e.g., 4 meters away) without an absorptive layer, these repeated reflections can actually be detrimental to noise reduction rather than beneficial.

• Cavity Attenuation:
Since the Soundblock noise barrier is placed close to the track and features a sound-absorbing interior, it creates a noise-dampening chamber within the bogie area. Soundblock effectively “encloses” and “attenuates” this space, trapping sound partially under the train, where it is absorbed by the Soundblock barrier and the track ballast.


Soundblock can be equipped with doors, footholds, or ladders at specified intervals as needed. Additionally, the top section of the Soundblock barrier is specifically designed to facilitate evacuation from stationary trains, ensuring a safe and efficient escape route.



1. Excavate 20 centimeters from the railway embankment.
2. Lay out geotextile fabric (optional cellular plastic).
3. Fill with crushed material.


5. Install the sealing strip and lift Soundblock into place.


4. Create a level, compacted surface.


6. Check the distance from the track.
7. Complete.

Foundation Example

The elements should be embedded 270 mm below the rail top (RÖK). Geotextile fabric is placed 200 mm below the base plate of the Soundblock and filled with crushed material, which is then compacted and leveled.

Placement on Railway Embankment (Soundblock 250)

Positioned 1,700 mm from the track center, with additional adjustments for curved tracks in accordance with BVF regulations.


The lifting process is carried out using a spreader bar that hooks into two pre-attached lifting eyes, complemented by a balancing lift at the shelf. (The lifting eyes are screwed in place before installation and removed afterward.)

Soundblock units are placed consecutively along the railway embankment. They do not require anchoring to the ground or adjacent blocks, as their weight ensures stability.

A sealing strip is installed between the blocks before positioning. Additionally, individual blocks can be removed from the middle of the row if needed.


Soundblock is made from fiber-reinforced concrete, enhancing both adaptability and structural strength. This material choice also ensures that no electrically conductive components are present in the Soundblock elements, making them safer for railway environments.

Different Installation Options

Below are different installation options for Soundblock in relation to the surrounding environment.

1. A single block is used when buildings are positioned at the same level or lower in relation to the track. If there are similar buildings on the opposite side of the track, a single block is placed there as well.

2. Two Soundblock are used when buildings are positioned higher in relation to the track.

3. A single block on each side along with a center barrier(s) is used when buildings are positioned higher in relation to the track on both sides.

Project Planning

Since Soundblock offers a low total cost, does not obstruct visibility, and provides highly effective noise reduction, it would be the only noise barrier used worldwide—if not for the various conditions that influence barrier selection.

What I strive to do is assist those responsible for noise reduction measures in determining, as efficiently as possible, whether a low noise barrier is the best solution for a specific railway section.

Nicklas Erlandsson
Sales Manager
0708-321 680

Key Questions to Consider When Choosing a Low Noise Barrier


1. Acoustic Requirements – Calculation data is available for different train types.

2. Estimation of Installation Costs for Soundblock – Factors such as railway embankment widening and track access must be considered.

3.Estimation of Long-Term Costs (e.g., 50-year period) – Includes maintenance costs related to lifting blocks for track work, snow removal procedures, and additional routines. These calculations are typically only necessary when low barriers are installed on both sides of the track, as Soundblock itself is maintenance-free.
Detailed Breakdown

Acoustic Requirements – Calculation data is available for different train types.
Estimation of Installation Costs for Soundblock – Factors such as railway embankment widening and track access must be considered.
Estimation of Long-Term Costs (e.g., 50-year period) – Includes maintenance costs related to lifting blocks for track work, snow removal procedures, and additional routines. These calculations are typically only necessary when low barriers are installed on both sides of the track, as Soundblock itself is maintenance-free.
Detailed Breakdown
1. Acoustic Requirements
The first step is to ensure that Soundblock meets the acoustic requirements for the specific railway section. Evaluating the acoustic performance of low noise barriers has historically been a challenge. To address this, we have developed a calculation model in collaboration with Tyréns AB to simplify the assessment process. This calculation model can be requested at

Additionally, we can work with an acoustics consultancy to perform an initial basic calculation to determine feasibility.

Soundblock provides a stable noise reduction of 5–7 dB (depending on train type), regardless of the receiver’s location.
For some train types, a reduction of 10–11 dB can be achieved in certain areas.
It may be useful to compare the required height of a traditional high barrier placed below the embankment with a trackside barrier standing only 73 cm above the rail head.

2. Estimating Installation Costs sts
Once we confirm that a low barrier is acoustically viable, the next step is to evaluate installation costs. We have extensive experience in this area and are happy to assist.

Key considerations include:

Does the railway embankment need to be widened?
What is the accessibility to the track?
How long can work be performed on the track during each installation session?
To optimize the process, we welcome images and technical drawings of the site to help identify potential adaptations that may be necessary. Adjustments might include:

Integrating the cable duct into the Soundblock structure.
Modifying certain Soundblock elements during the casting process to accommodate existing infrastructure on the embankment.

3. Estimating Long-Term Maintenance Costs Finally, maintenance costs over the relevant timeframe must be considered. One of the key advantages of Soundblock is that it is easy to lift and remove when necessary. However, this does come with a cost—typically around 2,000 SEK per meter for removal and reinstallation (depending on site accessibility).

When Soundblock barriers are installed on both sides of the track, challenges may arise for ballast cleaning and sleeper replacement. However, these maintenance tasks typically occur at 30–40 year intervals, meaning it is beneficial to coordinate any necessary maintenance work during the initial installation to avoid major railway maintenance within the first 5–10 years of operation.

More frequent maintenance tasks, such as using a ballast plow, do not significantly impact maintenance costs—although operators may need to proceed with slightly more caution. The same conditions apply as when operating near a platform (same height and distance).

For snow removal, it is recommended that the contractor is required to engage a provider with a track-mounted snow blower. Including clear snow removal guidelines in the procurement documentation ensures fair competition among contractors and prevents unexpected additional costs.

Establishing snow removal routines and safety procedures naturally involves some additional time and costs compared to traditional barriers. However, extensive experience exists in this area.

Special Transport Considerations
Special transports may also be affected when noise barriers are placed on the railway embankment. A simple rule of thumb:

If a special transport can pass a platform, it can also pass a Soundblock barrier.
If a section has frequent special transports, a low trackside barrier may not be the most cost-effective solution.
Access to the Track
Track accessibility may change depending on the installation. However, just like a traditional barrier—where access is granted through designated openings—Soundblock barriers can be equipped with doors at regular intervals to facilitate entry when needed.

For More Information
For more detailed information and assistance with technical documentation, please contact:

Nicklas Erlandsson
0708-321 680


Below, you can find a selection of reference projects showcasing different railway sections where Soundblock has been implemented.

Since 1999, Z-bloc Norden AB has delivered trackside noise barriers to the following locations: Karlstad, Karlskrona, 
, Gustavsvik, 
Umeå central, 
Gimonäs (Umeå), 
Åby (Norrköping)
, Kristinehamns kommun
, Annedal, 
, Bro (Stockholm),
Sya (Mjölby kommun), 
Ritorp (Stockholm
), Sollentuna Station, 
Täby kyrkby, 
Norra Järnvägsgatan (Boden)
, Skogås (Stockholm),Gimonäs, Umeå Åby, Norrköping, Roslagsbanan, Saltsjöbanan och Sundsvall.